My blog anniversary

Wow, this almost got past me.  It's my blogaversary! Can you believe it?  It's been 3 years since my first post.  My very first post was about Oscar. He was just a stray cat I was feeding back then. Of course, now he's my happy middle child and I feel so lucky to have found him.

Looking over the past year's posts all I can say is ugh! Boring! Where did the fun go? And the humor?  Gone!

You know, blogging is tough. It's really hard to come up with fresh material every week or twice a week.  I really can't imagine posting every day. But some bloggers do and they always keep it interesting.  I wish I could do that but I can't.

I would like to post every other day but sometimes life gets in the way.  Some days I am posting very late in the evening and I wonder if my words even make sense. 

I think I would like to get back to telling stories of things that happen in my life and to bringing my camera with me everywhere. Those spontaneous shots are always the best.

So here's to 3 years of blogging and the promise of a more interesting blog in the coming year. I'm celebrating with a cup of tea.


Happy Blogversary! I'll be coming up on a year in July! It's been so nice meeting all these lovely men and women from all parts of the world!

Cheers to you and many more posts!
LissyLou said…
heres to the next 3 years!!! xxx
Happy Blog Anniversary! Time flies when you're having fun! I understand about the frequency of is very hard to come up with interesting stories or photos or projects. ~Patti
Joan said…
Congratulations on 3 years of blog posts. It is hard to come up with posts several times a week but as long as it's still fun it's worth the effort.
My blog is almost 4 years old and I just did my 500th post... who knew when I started I'd even have 50. :)
Robin Larkspur said…
Congrats on 3 years of blogging. I enjoy your blog very much, and love to read posts about the kitties! I do not find your blog boring at all. Just do what comes natural and what you enjoy.
Happy Anniversary Elaine on three years of blogging. I always enjoy your posts and will look forward to many more.
Dearest Elaine!!!! THANK YOU FOR COMING OVER and wanting to be part of my party!!! I AM TAKING YOUR LINK NOW and putting your name and link on my list! Oh what a pretty blog you have dearest! New England...I lived in Massachusetts for 11 years and it was so sweet. Many good memories are there for me!

See you on May 28th!!!! Anita
Kay Ellen said…
Three years~~congrats!
I was just going to fix myself a cup of peppermint tea:))

clink-clink our teacups!

Kay Ellen
Kay Ellen said…
Three years~~congrats!
I was just going to fix myself a cup of peppermint tea:))

clink-clink our teacups!

Kay Ellen
thecafecat said…
Happy Blogaversary! And hello! x
Julie@beingRUBY said…
Hi Elaine
Happy Blog anniversary!!! I always love your day trip posts and shots.. and of course the adventure of the kitties!!

You know I often think I've lost my sense of humour in blogging.. don't know where it went.. maybe it's just reflecting life at present.. or maybe the 2-3 year blogging phase is the no sense of humour phase. hahaha [for me anyway]..

Have a lovely weekend and thanks for all your posts you share and beautiful shots of places you visit.. ciao xxx Julie

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