Should we meet?

When I was a young girl, I had a penpal from France. Jean-Paul lived in Ussel. He would only write in French so it always took me a long time to translate his letters. But what a thrill to get something from a foreign land. The stamps were so colorful and his handwriting was so, well French! I really loved learning all about his life and family.

After writing to Jean-Paul for a few years, I acquired more penpals. Miriam and Ann from Ireland, Andrezj from Poland, Rick and Karen from Australia and Clive from England.

I always dreamed of visiting them in their countries. I actually did meet Andrezj in Poland in 1986 and Ann in Ireland in 1996. Those vacations were highlights of my life. From a young age, I learned so much about the rest of the world.

You may wonder why I am telling you about this. Well, I have been thinking of doing a meetup with some of my blogging friends. In a way, you are all modern day penpals to me. I write something and you comment. You write a post and I comment. All the while, I am wondering what you look like and how fun it would be to actually meet and have a real in-person conversation.

It makes me think of the movie, "You've Got Mail". NY52 asks Shopgirl if they should meet. And well, you all know the story. And if you don't I posted a clip of the movie for you.

So I'd like to know if anyone out there is interested in a blogger meetup. I have never met any of you in person but I feel like I know you from reading your blogs. We could do lunch or go somewhere to take photos, I'm up for anything really. Of course, you would have to live reasonably close to the Greater Boston area although I am willing to travel north, south, or west.

Those of you who can't make it or choose not to, I would love to know if you ever met up with fellow bloggers. What did you do and how did it go?

If you are interested you can either leave a comment or email me. I do hope some of you will consider it. I am thinking March or April might be a good time.


I have met two bloggers. One, my friend Cindy, who we met with in a little winter resort town two years in a row...she and her husband and me and mine. We all spent the weekend together. FUN!

Another blogger we met here in Chicago and a year later were her and her husband's guests at their home in Mississippi at a time when we were visiting New Orleans. Very close contact!!

I am hoping always that my husband and I will see Martha's Vineyard again and that would be a fantastic time to meet up with you. It would be great. I am thinking this summer. I will of course, let you know.

How lucky you were to meet some of your pen pals. I never did the pen pal thing but would have loved it. And wanting to meet bloggers is very popular. Chicago and the surrounding suburbs has a blogger luncheon in March and the Phoenix bloggers get together all the time. It takes someone to organize it. Maybe you could take part or be in charge of something like that. Best of luck!

Pamela said…
Great idea but I'm so far away!
I have met one blogger already and she lives two towns away and we have become great friends!!
Blogging is the modern pen pal of today!
Deb said…
I don't live close but if I did I would love to meet and go on a photo-taking hike. I live near Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) and right now I am just waiting for this blasted snow to leave and spring to arrive. I enjoyed looking at your photos and of course I love all the cat photos. I will be following along. Hope you find someone close by to meet up with. Have fun. Deb =^..^=x5
We are practically neighbors Elaine and I would love to meet you. April would be a lovely time of the year especially with our unpredictable New England weather. Great idea.
I have met bloggers across the country and it has been incredible! One if them has turned out to be an awesome friend that has become like a sister to me, in fact she calls me her "big sis". What an honor since both my sisters have passed on to glory.

You will LOVE meeting fellow bloggers and forming face-to-face friendships. It's a wonderful journey from the computer to real life friendships.

Big hugs, Sherry
Mozart's Girl said…
I think it's a fantastic already know that you'll be friends, really. I wish I was on the same continent at least...I hope to meet up with fellow bloggers & tweeters one day. I met one of my best friends in the world through writing letters...18 years of friendship & still going strong! Good luck xo Rachel
Sheila said…
Think I'll meet up with you tonight. 7:30?
I've met so many bloggers from across the pod who I think of as real friends now. WOuldn't it be GREAT to meet up? I'd LOVE that.

Well....if you ever visit any where near the Cotswolds then pleeeeeease let me know!

Janet said…
I think it would be fun...I have met 3 bloggers and have had a lot to chat about, of course I always can find a lot to chat about...LOL. The way this year is progressing weatherwise I think April would probably be better than March. I live near Wrentham/Foxboro but would be happy to meet in Boston or maybe Newburyport...I love an excuse to frequent Newburyport.

Hello! What a great idea! I was just talking to Susan at "From Beyond My Kitchen Window" ~ we've been friends for many years and I'd love to meet! I think April would be a good time, hopefully we'll be rid of this blasted snow! We rec'd another 3+ inches from this mornings storm!
Michelle said…
I wish I lived closer! I have met three bloggers who live reasonably close and we met at an antique market! Oh wait, one we rode horses together! Still...I think it's a GREAT idea!
Hi Chatelaine

I enjoyed reading this post as I did just that last week with Pamela @ The House of Edward when she vistited London. My post is here:

You will find Pamela's comments linked to my post.
Glad to have found you...I

I just noticed that you spend time in Rockport. We have many of the same pics. I grew up close by and spent all my summers with family in Rockport and Long Beach in Gloucester.

I agree....a beautiful corner of the world!!

Best wishes
Jeanne :)
Kay Ellen said…
I have to say it is a wonderful experience to meet your blogging friends in person~~!

You know if you were close by I would be knocking on your door:))

Sounds like a blast to me!

wandalee said…
Elaine -
well, I'm late to the party as usual :-)... I had read a few of your posts previously and had kept it in a "MA/NH" blog folder and finally had time to revisit.
I live in Plaistow, NH, just off #495, and would love to meet up sometime. In fact, you mentioned Sage Farm and I will be a "vendor" at their April show (1,2,3), but did you know that it will be at a different location this time?
We had a show in Feb. at the old Rollins Furniture store on Rte#1, No. Hampton, and it was great - she had room for more dealers so I managed to get in - so she decided to do another one there. There are 3 floors!
Another shop you might like (if you like "white/shabby/chic" is
(I'm also a dealer there) :-)
My daughter lives in Boston in the South End w/ her hubby and my 2 "grandkitties", so I can meet up anywhere between here, there, or in between.
Please let me know if you wind up setting anything up, would love to meet up w/ you and other bloggers! I do have a blog but unfortunately have not faithfully kept it up but you're welcome to visit:

Wanda in NH

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