Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Another blizzard today and I had a snow day from the bank. Looks like we got 18.5 inches so far. I decided to walk around the neighborhood before tackling some shoveling.

This is the house across the street. The trees are really weighted down and that makes for a dangerous situation. I just heard about a tree branch that fell on a fire truck and one of the firefighters was injured.

Lots of people without power in Massachusetts, I think the newsman said 101,000 without power. Thankfully, I have heat and electricity because it is bonechilling cold with the wind.

The houses in my neighborhood look absolutely gorgeous with all the snow.

As you can see, it was really coming down when I was walking around and I could hardly see through the lens. I didn't want to wreck my camera so I didn't stay out too long.

Here's the view looking down my street.

This is my neighbor Emily. The two of us shoveled some of the walk and parking lot.

Emily's husband dug their car out, what fun!

This is what my sleeve looked like after I shoveled. I had so much snow on my coat after taking my walk around the neighborhood Emily said I looked like the abominable snowman.

Well, it is really pretty and tonight it's supposed to end. And the sun will come out tomorrow. (I suddenly feel like singing).


It's so pretty Elaine! I wish I could have gone out and taken some pictures today too but I have a miserable cold. Maybe tonight I can take a drive, who knows.

Hope you don't lose your power!!!
Wasn't it something Elaine! I went out with the dog and it was so deep even she had a hard time. I'm snuggled in for the night. Your neighborhood does look lovely dressed all in white.
Medieval Muse said…
New England is so very beautiful - especially all snow covered and post-card perfect like your photos. Hope you had a hot beverage waiting inside:)
So beautifulto enjoy as long as you don't have to drive in it
Benny & Lily
~Kristen~ said…
Your neighborhood is beautiful!!! I just enjoyed th snow today from inside my home!!! lol I did stick my hand out the door to get some shots of my neighborhood, though. It is still coming down, though lightly! We really got a good dumping this time!!!

My husband works at one of the local banks, too. I was very surprised...and happy...when they made the decision not to open today. They rarely ever do that!
I love it when it snows and you don't have to leave the house..just so pretty and relaxing. Plus it is always so bright when it snows...great photos. Stay warm!!
Julie@beingRUBY said…
It looks beautiful Elaine.. but I imagine it can also be quite dangerous..

So weird.. looking at all this snow .. when right now most of Queensland is under flood waters.. Mother Nature.. she's a riot!!! ciao xxx Julie
Julie@beingRUBY said…
oooh.. forgot to say just love the banner shot.. and all the shots of these pretty pretty houses..
kayellen said…
Oh my goodness! That is alot of snow Elaine!!
What beautiful photos you too...

Stay warm my friend:)

Kay Ellen
Yolanda said…
It is so pretty. I wish we had some here. Hope you stay warm. Have a good rest of the week.
Oh...it is so pretty! Despite all the work shoveling and expending energy to stay warm...is it we...who battle the heavy and frequent snow that really and truly find the beauty in it. Make sense? I am making chicken soup, have a fire burning and not worried about bread and milk. Comes from experience. Me and you...

LOVE your photos! :-)

Unknown said…
We had a Blizzard too. Your photographs are wonderful. Everything looks lovelier in the snow. I love the houses in your neighborhood.

Whoa, you got hit hard! We have about a foot and a half around here. Lovely pictures of your neighborhood!

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