Snow Fatigue

Photograph from Twitter

You can’t get too much winter in the winter.
- Robert Frost

I love the poetry of Robert Frost but he's wrong. We have already had too much Winter in this Winter. We are getting more snow overnight tonight, could be another 10 inches. I think we are all suffering from snow fatigue.

Thinking warm thoughts of past Summers, dining on seafood by the ocean in Maine, watching the sunset in Rockport, shopping on the Vineyard last August.

Seems like Summer is just a distant memory.


I love that sign! Only in New England! :)

We are getting lots of snow right now...after 3 inches earlier in the day. It is really getting to be enough, already!
Snow fatigue is right! My favorite day of winter is the last one . . . which is March 19th! The thought of moving more snow is daunting! Keep warm and stay safe!

Another whopper of a storm. School is closed so no work for me. At this rate we will be making up our missed days in July. YIKES!!
Oh, that sign is funny. Someone has managed to have a sense of humor. We are to get snow today, too, but our winter has been nothing like yours.

Your memories sound lovely, I need to conjure up a few, too. Hang in there!

Janet said…
15" here in Plainville/Foxboro. Isn't it amazing how stormy and dismal it can be and then just a few hours later the sun is out and the sky is a breathtaking blue? Small comfort for all the hassle!
Pamela said…
It sounds like you live in such a beautiful place. I have always wanted to visit...but now that I moved from eastern Canada to the West Coast it probably won't be happening. I will just enjoy your area through your blog!
Dawn said…
Oh I am so agreeing with you. So very tired of it all!
The sign made me smile though:))
Mary Bergfeld said…
That sign is one for the memory book. You have really been hammered this winter. I'm new to your blog and have been browsing through your earlier entries. You have made your blog a lovely place to visit. I'll be back as often as I can. Stay safe, warm and dry. Blessings...Mary
All our snow has gone now but this was the first year that I could understand people getting tired of snow. In December we had snow for nearly the whole month and, although it was great fun to start with, it got annoying!

Not long to wait for Spring!


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