Christmas Photo Shoot with the kitties

I decided to take some Christmas shots of the kitties. Percy loves to pose for the camera. Yup! He's on cloud nine.

I think he's pretending it's a bearskin rug and not a faux fur throw.

Oscar as you can see does not like to pose.

The first time I walked by Molly, I thought she was part of the decorations. She is my quiet kitty, not at all like her rambunctious brothers.

Maybe I should have given her a halo.

Too bad I already created my Christmas cards!


What beautiful kitties! :)
Beautiful, Pwris Hilton look out
Benny & Lily
Elaine, I love these photos. You can always tell when a cat is at total peace with their surrounds, such as yours are in these shots. You can just see it in their eyes.

So glad Percy is fitting right in! Looks like Oscar has a new best buddy.
weaverpat said…
Your photos are lovely! The kitties seem to enjoy posing and looking beautiful.
They would make excellent Christmas cards. There's always next year!
Amy said…
love the kitties!
Kay Ellen said…
So adorable~~~ I can hardly contain myself!!
Love it :))

Jan's camera said…
Such beautiful photos of the kitties. I need to snap some photos of my little guy.
Pamela said…
Beautiful Cats!!! I really enjoyed that!
Pamela :)
Julie@beingRUBY said…
HI Elaine
All your kitties are so cute.. but Molly steals the show this time.. what a crack up that shot of her with Santa!! so funny!!!

Love all the shots of your home too... it's looks just beautiful all ready for Christmas..

Have a lovely weekend.. ciao xxx Julie
Donna said…
I would definitey save that photo for next year's cards - it is PURRRRR-FECT!... Donna

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