A trip to my happy place
Earlier in September, my sister and I took our annual pilgrimage to Nubble Light in York, Maine. Our friends rent a cottage there for 2 weeks in the Summer, usually the week before and the week after Labor Day.
We spend most of the day right here on the deck that faces the ocean and Nubble Lighthouse. We snack on crackers and cheese and iced drinks and stare at the ocean. And it never gets boring.
Last year, Sheila and Don painted watercolors of Nubble Light but this year it was really warm and they just relaxed.
We took a walk down to the lighthouse and took the requisite group photos.
We always enjoy conversations with Mary's mother.
I caught Don trying to take my photo.
The rosa ragusa or beach roses are always abundant and so fragrant.
I caught a seagull in midflight this year. The seagulls are always looking for fish in the ocean or a French fry from the nearby restaurant.
This year we saw a whale in the waters near the cottage. Mary had seen it early in the morning and she said she thought she saw the Loch Ness monster. She couldn't believe she was seeing a whale as she had never seen one in the 30 years she had been coming to the Nubble area.
We never go out for dinner as Mary and her Mother, Clara always serve us a home cooked Italian dinner.
I had more than one piece of garlic bread!
I had a full plate of pasta, meatballs and garlic bread. I was not going hungry on this day.
I only had one meatball so I did have some self control.
We waited around in anticipation of a great sunset and a full moon or almost full moon.
And we had to take a sisters shot. I thought taking a selfie at the golden hour would enhance our beauty. You can be the judge. Well, at least we look happy.
While we waited on the deck to take some night shots, Clara worked on her knitting. She knits prayer shawls and chemo caps. She is such a nice lady.
The lobster trap got some twinkle lights this year.
The clouds turned a lovely shade of pink and the sky became lavender.
And the drama of a perfect sunset began to show itself.
Don brought his tripod out on the deck and we used my camera to test some shots. The parking lot had street lights and lights from the cars so it stood out in my photos.
We drove home after a lovely visit with friends, vowing to return to Nubble Lighthouse sooner than later. Perhaps we'll return for the lighting of the Nubble at Christmas. Weather permitting of course.
You always have me at the New England lifestyle and the gorgeous pics you share! I do recognize you and your sister from there VERY few pics you share!!!! Just trying to get a laugh. I always say: A smile is the best thing you can wear!
Thanks for a lovely post of your vacation. It sounds like so much fun, and I'm envious! ;-D
Your long distance friend from Texas - Diane