Memories of past romances
Thanks to all of you who left such great comments on my last post. It's always nice to have your support. Wish I had known you all earlier in my life!
Tonight's post is about memories of past romances.
The first one is about a boyfriend I had in my teens. For our first date, he asked me if I wanted to go to the Red Sox home opener. Wow, I was very impressed! I asked him where our seats were located, thinking we would probably be in the bleachers. He said, "Oh, I don't have tickets! I thought we would climb the billboard and watch it from there. You can really see everything from up there". I politely declined but we did go out after that.
You might remember the subway guy from my Sweet Romance post from last February. We both worked at the movie theater. He was an usher and I was a candy girl. So on the first night we went out, he showed up at my house with masking tape down the sides of his jeans. He said he thought I might not recognize him without his usher's uniform. I cracked up, a great start to the evening. I love a man who makes me laugh!
Then there was the guy who only took me out to lunch. You guessed it! He was engaged, the snake!
Anything my readers would like to share? I'm listening!
I'm so happy to have met my husband, he's a great guy with a fantastic sense of humor. Just tonight, my sister and her fiancé were over, she's a florist and she brought me the most beautiful Valentine's flowers, anyway, she was arranging them in my vase, she had a few extras and took the Ball canning jar off my window sill, filled it with water and dropped some extra flowers in it. I told her she just filled my penny jar with water . . . my husband pipes up and said "now you have a wishing well!" We all cracked up!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sorry I've missed some of these posts.. been flat out with stupid stuff these last few weeks..
I remember your posts from last year and loved them.. Have a great weekend.. ciao xxx Julie
I remember the last two I guess now that i think about it not very romantic at all
that is why now I just shop shop shop for vintage things and enjoy my little pug dog
Great story about the masking tape up the pants... what a fun guy he must have been!
Oh, the joys of romance...if I had a dollar for every time I was jilted!
I was just telling someone the other day about my second date with a guy I thought was nice. He asked me if I wanted to come to his house to watch a rental movie. So I went and little did I know, the TV was in the bedroom. I should have left, but instead I reclined on that bed, stiff as a soldier, ready to whack him with a lamp if he tried anything. I never saw him again!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to :-)
God Bless You, ~Ron
Another guy tried for a while to get me to go out with him. I finally relented and went. He was so sweet and the date seemed to go great! After that he totally blew me off. So disappointing.
My husband is and always has been the BEST date ever!!! He treated me like a queen when we first started dating. He's still a keeper, even if he does fall asleep on the couch every night lately. LOL!
Come on over I'm having a giveaway!