Valentine's, Snow and Followers

Valentine's Day is fast approaching. You know what that means? More posts about crazy love and sweet romance. Those of you who were with me last year said you enjoyed reading my posts on love and romance so let's do it again. I'll write and you can read.

Oscar and Percy are in the photo above and they are showing us some real brotherly love.

Anyway, I would really like to get off the subject of snow and shoveling and brutally cold weather. But it's hard to think of anything but the snow and weather when it snows all the time. And 2 more storms are headed this way. At least this time we'll have company and you know misery loves company! So anyone who lives in the Midwest or the East will be affected by the monster storm (the weatherman's word not mine). Maybe there are more areas in the snow zone, I wasn't totally listening to the forecast. It was so disheartening I tuned out after hearing that we could get another 18-24 inches.

Lastly, I lost a follower today. Some of you probably don't even know if you lose one because you have so many. All I know is I had 120 followers yesterday and 119 today. So it makes me wonder, did I offend someone? Or bore them death? Am I supposed to visit every follower's blog every day? Surely, I can't do that. Personally, I follow a number of blogs and many of them have never visited my blog. Anyway, I won't dwell on it too much. It's just a mystery to me.


I want to pretend that I live in FL for the next few days! I told my hubby not to burst my bubble! LOL!! I lost a follower too a few months ago and I was surprised, I don't have hundreds or thousands of Followers. Then I shook it off and said "their loss." Your posts are lovely, there is no way you could have offended anyone! Maybe we'll only get a "dusting" LOL!!! Stay safe, and keep warm. As a friend of mine said, "it's the closest thing to the blizzard of '78 that people will see who weren't around in '78" . . . well I was and, I don't need to see it again, LOL!!
Elaine said…
Gosh I hope the bank closes and I don't have to go to work. I can't bear to go through another icy commute. Maybe they are completely wrong and it will go out to sea!

Thanks for the comment about the follower. I will shake it off.
Michelle said…
Gosh I feel for you! I can't believe how much snow you guys are getting. Meanwhile, it's the time of year that we're supposed to get snow but it's here 53 degrees! I will try to send some your way. :) My kiddies are always showing sibling love too. Lol! I know what you're talking about when you see that you lost a follower. I just noticed I lost one today also. Try not to take it too seriously. I also can't visit everyone and it's expected in the blog world. I looked today but I try not to look so it doesn't make me think. You have a wonderful blog and you're the sweetest so there's no way you could have offended anyone! Well, at least not me. :) xoxo
Hi Elaine, I too lost a follower. Don't no why I did but it does get you wondering. I just can't comment on all the blogs I follow all the time. I would be on the computer all day long. I also like to enjoy the company of my husband when he comes home from work. About the snow. Yikes, when is enough ENOUGH!!
Carol said…
I wonder the same thing sometimes, but I really think people just go over their lists and trim them down, so don't take it personally! I don't comment on everything, but I definitely return the comments of people who visit!

We're getting clobbered, too, but with a little of everything, snow, rain, sleet and ice! Tomorrow will be worse! Stay warm!
Robin Larkspur said…
Beautiful photo of the kitty boys, looks like Percy has gotten a bit bigger. I love your blog, and you have double the followers I have. I can not imagine that anyone was bored with this blog, you always have such wonderful photos and text. Maybe the follower's computer died. ANyway, dont fret about it, you are bound to gain many new followers this year! Keep on blogging!! Robin.
Sea Angels said…
Well lovely Chatelaine... it wasn't me you way, they must be mad.. their loss.
As for the weather it sounds horrific thank goodness I'm a long way off.. and I can sympathize from a distance.
Warm and toasty hugs
Lynn xxxx
Pamela said…
Don't sweat the follower thing Elaine! I loose them all the time!!!
Who knows why people stop..I mean it is hard to constantly comment on every blog. Alot of times I visit all my blogs but don't have time to leave a comment.
I still havent figured out how some blogs got so big!

Back home (eastern Canada) are getting hit hard with the snow too.
I'll have to do another green post. They all loved it back home.
Love your kitties!
Very much looking forward to your Valentines Day posts :)
It's been crazy in NY too-- we're currently experiencing ice storms. Very scary!
And as for the loss of one of your followers, perhaps someone deleted their account? That happens sometimes.

Fete et Fleur said…
It's incredible the snowfall you have had. We've had a very cold and rainy winter here, but nothing like you've had on the East coast.

Sorry about the loss of your follower. No, you're not boring. You make me smile!

Anonymous said…
I know this is a very old post but it spoke to me so much so that I had to leave a comment. I have had a follower or two leave my following group over the years I have been blogging and I thought pretty much the same things you said in this post. I don't have zillions of followers but I do notice when one or "gasp" two leave. I always feel a little twinge as silly as it may be and wonder what I did wrong. Even when I stop following other's blogs periodically myself I wonder if they notice like I do?!
I don't know where you are in New England, I'm in southwestern New Hampshire but I love that I have a fellow New England blogger to chat with once in a while.
Regards and enjoy the remainder of summer.
Beth P

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