Lovely Gifts

Yay! I won a blog giveaway for the first time ever. The always wonderful Kay Ellen of Kay Ellen Design chose my name as the recipient of a copy of Somerset Life, a bird's nest and egg and a treasure from Kay Ellen's recent weekend trip. I thought I would look at this fabulous magazine with a cup of tea.

Oh yes, aren't you observant? That is a new tea strainer for me. My first gold one but that's for another post.


Kay Ellen's nesting tablescape was featured in the magazine. I thought I would try to recreate it using the nest from Kay Ellen and my own things. Her photo in the magazine is on the left and my results are on the right. Kay Ellen has such a talent for creating beautiful and innovative tablescapes. She is an inspiration to me.

Here's a close up of my tablescape.

The third item in the box was a surprise treasure from Kay Ellen's weekend trip to Manhattan Beach. It was a beautiful seashell bracelet. I decided to use it as a napkin holder here. I changed up the tablescape to portray more colors of the ocean and the beach to go with my new bracelet.

I do plan to pack the bracelet for my trip to Martha's Vineyard later in the month.

It is the weekend so I broke out the Weekend Waterford!

I just love these cups. I used them for my illumination night tea years ago and I only have this stack left.

Oops, I almost forgot! The seashell bracelet came in an ice blue organza bag. That's it wrapped around the Pellegrino bottle.

If you look at Kay Ellen's blog, you will see gorgeous photos of her husband and children, her pets, her trips, her design work and her fabulous tablescapes. I must confess I've stolen an idea or two from her. Her blog is a must read, so go check it out!

And enjoy the rest of the weekend.


What wonderful, beautiful prizes! I love your tea strainer, by the way, and your inspired tablescape is so lovely! Can't wait to see photos from your Martha's Vineyard trip too :) ♥
Salmagundi said…
Great stuff! I'm off to find Mary Ellen's blog. Looking forward to your Martha's Vineyard trip - I have to travel vicariously through you!! Sally
Julie@beingRUBY said…
Hey Elaine
You lucky girl.. what fabulous things you won!!

You know a friend sent me Somerset Life and I am hooked... gorgeous gorgeous pages of beautiful colour and art... and I don't think we can get that mag here so I feel very lucky!!!

Love all the other stuff you won also... one lucky girl!!! OH..and one clever girl .. your recreation of that setting is fab!!!

Have a lovely weekend.. and did I tell you I'm just a tad jealous you are going to Martha's... At least I know you will give us lots of lovely Julie
kayellen said…
Oh Elaine~~~ you are so sweet~~I am blushing!!

Love your tablescape!! Wish you lived close, I would pop by for tea.

Have a blessed weekend:))

Kay Ellen
Congratulations Elaine! That's wonderful! I'll bet it has gorgeous photos and ideas in it.

I hope you had a wonderful time last night in Maine! Was it chilly by the ocean?
Janet said…

Thanks for the comments, if you do get up to Peterborough there are a lot of shops/antique malls on 101 after the long commercial strip in Nashua. I want to get back and explore those this fall.

French-Kissed said…
Such fun treasures and I love your version of the her tablescape with your own personal touches. I am off to visit her blog now. Have a wonderful week.

MĂ©lanie A. said…
Lucky you . You won fabulous things

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