Show and Tell Friday-lamp

I am participating in Show and Tell Friday. Hosted by Cindy at My Romantic Home, you can check out other posts by clicking here.
The lamp pictured above has been in my home only one year. I have it in my hallway but it was once in the living room and in it's past life it lived in a gorgeous Victorian home in Melrose, Massachusetts.

I bought the lamp from a woman who was selling the contents of her home. She was downsizing and moving to Florida. She estimated the lamp to be from the 1950's.

It is funny how I ended up with the lamp. I was the chairperson for a charity tea which was held at the lamp owner's home. I commented about her lamp and she asked if I wanted to buy it. I knew she was moving but I had no idea she was selling all her beautiful items like the lamp, china, furniture. I lucked out that day for sure.
Don't forget to check out the other participant's posts over at Cindy's blog.
My New Doll -my Show n Tell. I would really enjoy your company if you can drop by to visit me. Hope you're having a terrific Friday!!!
I have a similar one, though not as fancy, from when I was a girl. Right now it sits in the guest bedroom. Somehow it has survived both of my girls upbringing, and several moves, without being broken.
Glad to have found your blog. I spent some time scrolling down through previous posts. I'll be back again. Lovely blog!
Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving your encouraging comment about the loss of my brother-in-law. It was much appreciated.
Kindly, ldh