Melrose Victorian Fair

Every September the City of Melrose, Massachusetts hosts the Victorian Fair. The fair is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the local Chamber of Commerce. I am a board member of the Chamber so I am involved in the preparation of the event. This year actors were hired to give the fair some Victorian flavor.

As you can see the weather cooperated on Sunday and the downtown area was bustling. Some events scheduled for Saturday had to be postponed or cancelled. The vintage baseball game, dog show and fireworks events could not be held due to heavy rain on Saturday. The Victorian Tea held at the Beebe Estate was held as scheduled. I've saved the photos for another post.

Balloons added color to the street scene. Look at the beautiful architecture of the building in the background. The downtown area is always well maintained and postcard

These musicians drew a crowd.

Anyone want clam chowder from Turner's Restaurant? I mean chowdah. We are only 10 miles or so north of Boston.

Need your spine cracked?

The Victorian couple meandered down Main Street chatting with the locals and enjoying the fabulous weather.

Lots of items for the kids!

These girls were promoting the Northeast Youth Ballet's upcoming Nutcracker performance.

168 booth spaces were sold by the Chamber. This was truly amazing in today's economy.

Tribute to Massachusetts US Senator Ted Kennedy.

Our animal friends were not forgotten. There were booths for animal clinics and the Humane Society.

Face painting for the little ones.

Melrose's finest making sure everyone was safe.

A new consignment and antiques store in town.

Hot dog, sausage? One could feast all day long.

Slides and rides a plenty for the kids.

A caricature for the ballerina.

What's a fair without fried dough?

This newsman in the making was taking it all in.

Another successful Victorian Fair! Hours and hours of preparation goes into an event like this so kudos to the Melrose Chamber and the City of Melrose for a job well done!


Oh I wish I had known about this. I would have loved to attend. My grandmother and my father were from Melrose. She lived in the Steelehouse complex for years and years. I can remember going there as a child. She never got her license and either took the train or walked everywhere.
Oh Cathelaine, how fun would this be to attend? I bet you have fun in helping with bringing everything together. Oh that would be so fun. I saw so many booths that I would so love to attend. What a great time everyone was having. Love the Victorian visitors. It would have been fun to have had pictures taken with them. I can't wait to see the tea photos. I will be watching. Thanks so much for sharing sweetie. Country hugs, Sherry
vicki archer said…
This looks like so much fun...xv
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful fair! I just love these family fall outings, and this is so wonderful with the Victorian twist. your photos are terrific. The big smiles were everywhere it seems. Thanks so much for sharing this.
This looks and sounds like such a fun event, Elaine!! From the happy faces, it looks as if all of your hard work paid off and a good time was had by all!! Melrose sounds like a wonderful town.

Thanks so much for stopping by Sunday and leaving your thoughtful comments. I so appreciate it, Elaine.

Julie@beingRUBY said…
Before i get to how fabulous this event looks I have to say FABULOUS Banner... just love it!!!

OK back to the fair. Well good for you helping to bring this fun to your community. I sure it gives many ppl a great day out as well as boosting the community. Great work and pics.. always love your pics. Julie
Yarni Gras! said…
oh what wonderful photos! thanks for sharing
Sahildeki Ev said…
It looks such a well organized and fun event. I like the period customs. Congrats..

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