To My Sister on her Birthday

I took this photo of my sister Sheila a few years ago. We were at Nubble Light in York, Maine. She was cold and so I gave her my sweater. I love this photo of her because she has a look of pure happiness on her face.

So today was her birthday. We had a little party with a few friends at my condo. We did not have the traditional birthday cake. Instead, we had a mixed berry cobbler with whipped cream. My sister loves lemon so there was a small lemon sponge cake as well.

I didn't have a gift bag for her two little presents so I improvised. Using recycled materials, I tried to recognize the many aspects of my sister. A feather represented herinterest in Native Americans. She teaches classes about Native Americans. I used an accordion pleated bow made of sheet music because she plays the violin, guitar, fife, and penny whistle. The bow had a disc in the middle which had a rubber stamped crown on it. This represented my sister's love of all things British. She's been to England five times (twice with me).

So she enjoyed her gift wrap and I served her favorite Harrod's No 42 Earl Grey tea. We will be returning to Maine soon. We're going to Kennebunkport for a few days at the end of the month.

We like to do the same things and eat the same foods and she puts up with my photography obsession. I know we'll have a great time on our trip because we're not only sisters we're best friends.


Unknown said…
Happy Birthday to your sis! :)
Julie@beingRUBY said…
Happy Birthday Sheila
It is sweet that you two are so close. Maybe you should ask her to do a guest post re: Native Americans..I know I would love to read it.

Have a great week. x Julie
Salmagundi said…
Happy Birthday, Sister!!! You are both so fortunate to have each other - I've observed there is a bond between sisters like no other. I was an only child, and always felt I was missing something. Enjoy each other and your trip. Sally
Laura @ 52 FLEA said…
Happy Birthday to your sweet sister! I can see how very special she is to you and I understand completely as my sisters are also my dear friends! Thanks for sharing!
Take care, Laura
Michelle said…
Ooh, happy belated birthday, Sheila! How wonderful that she teaches about the Native Americans. That is so awesome. You're such a wonderful hostess and it seems a wonderful sis as well!
Sweet Sage said…
I always wanted a sister are (both) blessed!
And, yes, she looks very happy. :)

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