My Cats went to Paris !!

My cats really didn't go to Paris which is a good thing because I would have been insanely jealous. I haven't been to Paris since 1983! It was so long ago that TWA was still in business. Hmm, time to go back, don't you think?

Anyway, back to the point of this post, I decided to purchase one of Carol Gillott's Send your Pet to Paris watercolors. Of course, I had her feature my two sweeties, Molly and Oscar. She asked that I send her photos of the two cats and she did the rest. The photos should be good photos of the pets and, well, go to her website,, and read about it.

Here's a closeup of the kits. Don't they look great? I couldn't be happier with the finished product. Now I need to find a frame to do it justice! I'm on the hunt.

Also, I have drawn the winner of my blog giveaway, Stefanie of Rose Petals and Rust won the gems of the sea giveaway. Stefanie, please email me your info so I can send
your goodies to you.

Today is warm and sunny here in New England, I put the air conditioning on for the first time since I moved into the condo. Thankfully it works.

I hope you all stay cool this weekend!


Unknown said…
I love that! What a cute idea! Okay, I need to get a kitty so I can "send her" to Paris! LOL!
icandy... said…
Really cute... I have 4 that need passports! :) LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Julie@beingRUBY said…
So Cute!! Molly's hogging the camera and Oscar is staring her down to make sure he is the first one in the door!!! Oh and your comments re TWA have me laughing. I have visions of stewardesses in their caps and white gloves! LOL!
Michelle said…
OHMIGOSH, I love it!!! I want one for my kitties!! I am going to go check her out. We're having a heatwave here as well...92 degrees today. :)
Parisbreakfasts said…
THANK YOU Elaine!!!
Most kind to show the kits in Paris art :)
kind regards,
Try not to be too jealous Elaine, I'm sure they slept through most of it anyway ; )

You'll find the perfect frame, don't give up. It definitely has to do the watercolor justice!

That is too cute! What a great idea!
Amy J said…
Lovely painting! Will have to check out her site, I'd love one of my kitty. Even more, I'd love one of me with unlimited access to the macarons at Laduree! :-)
Yarni Gras! said…
how fun! That is a cute idea.
come see my new member of the family :-) I think you'll approve!
Shaam said…
That is SO cute! I love it! Omgsh! I want one LOL. I think you need to go back to Paris!

All the best,
Anonymous said…
Oui! Manufique' 'Pepe la Pew' remember that cartoon I loved it.Gorgeous illustration Paris Parfait is soo talented,I am always honored when she posts comments on my artwork on my flicka...yippee for sun! Love your blog too!
Denise Hull,Mass.
kayellen said…
Love this!
I have a great book called French for Cats you would love it Elaine!!
Darling Art:)


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