Kitty Smackdown
After my last maudlin, self pitying post, I thought it was time for a little levity. Leave it to the "kits", Molly and Oscar for some comic relief.
She might look sweet, but Molly can be quite the little bomb throwing instigator when she wants to be.
She might look sweet, but Molly can be quite the little bomb throwing instigator when she wants to be.
Oscar may look like a jovial sort of guy, but, he can mix it up with the best of them.
Here they are jockeying for position in the dining room window. This is usually Molly's perch so Oscar crossed the line by jumping in the window and flaunting it in front of Molly.
All the best,
Molly is sooo adorable!!!
Thanks for the visit:) I have have missed 3 days at the re-model.
Anxious to go back tomorrow.
Have a great week:)
They are so blessed to have you.