Spring Finery for the First Day of Spring

Spring is finally here! Actually it still feels winter like in these parts.

I am turning my attention to Spring Fashions specifically the Easter Bonnet. So have you thought about your hat for Easter 2009?

Some things to consider. Do you want to go with a straw hat? Should you go with a neutral or a color?

So many choices. What'a a girl to do?

Will you embellish your hat? Can it withstand the rigors of sport?

Feathers and pearls can be lovely.

Just the right tilt makes all the difference too.

Don't forget the shape of the hat. Some shapes are more flattering than others. And do consider other accessories to complete your Spring outfit.
And remember, go ahead and eat those chocolate eggs. Your hat will still fit!
Happy Spring!


Shaam said…
Cute! I have been looking at Easter hats! I just don't think I can make them work though :( They are so neat! I love looking at them and trying them on :)

All the best,
Michelle said…
Love that last picture...the scenery looks so perfect for tea outside!
Salmagundi said…
What charming hat pictures! I haven't had an Easter bonnet for years and years. Thanks for sharing these. Sally
Great post! I love the idea of an Easter hat or bonnet! Any excuse to go and buy a new (or old) hat!
Unknown said…
What a lovely way to celebrate the first day of spring! Love the hats and the dresses! :)
Fete et Fleur said…
What lovely photos and beautiful subjects. The food looks so very tempting!

that party looks like a great time! did you host it? love the shot of the croquet game. so fun.
have a great day.
Anonymous said…
Loved the Easter hats theme. Great blog!
I think if I were to wear a hat it would be one of those big fancy Kentucky Derby type hats! Since I never wear hats to begin with I might as well go all out : )

With the weather we're having today I'd have to have a strong tye on that hat too!

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