A Hint of Pink

It's Pink Saturday again. Thanks to Beverly from How Sweet the Sound for
organizing the event. Click on the Pink Saturday button on the sidebar for details.

All of today's photos are of the New England sky and all have a hint of pink in them. The first is of Rye, New Hampshire taken from the patio at Saunders Restaurant.

Pink clouds settle over the village of Rockport, Massachusetts.

A view of Rockport Harbor on a beautiful Summer evening.

Nubble Light as seen from Nubble Cove in York, Maine. This was taken just after Labor Day. The crowds had left for the season and it was peaceful in the late afternoon.

A pastel sky and all is calm on the Atlantic Ocean in York, Maine.

After disembarking the ferry from Martha's Vineyard last August, we were greeted with a subtle pink sky. Gas prices were high at Woods Hole on Cape Cod. Thankfully, they are much lower today.

Thanks for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed your brief tour of New England.


Oh how pretty. You requent the same places I do.
Beautiful skies! It has me wishing I were at the coast this morning myself, but my daughter has a friend over so I can't leave : (

One correction, Saunders is actually in Rye, not Newcastle but both are such beautiful places to be on a warm summer night. Rye also has a great place to stop for ice cream or dinner. It's just down the street from Wentworth By The Sea, called the Ice House Restaurant (http://theicehouserestaurant.com/). Wonderful place to visit after an evening drive!

Enjoy the gorgeous day Elaine!!!
Anonymous said…
I love the pictures. Especially the one from MV :) Nubble Light is always a photographic spot.
Anonymous said…
Happy Pink Saturday!

Lovely pink shots!

~ Gabriela ~
Salmagundi said…
You always make me wish I was in Maine to visit. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. Sally
Thanks for the tour of New England. Beautiful pictures!
Happy Pink Saturday.
♥Mimi♥ said…
Wonderful pinkies today! Thanks so much for sharing. Pink Saturday is always so much fun for me. You get to know the bloggers and also get so many great ideas for your home and for your he♥rt, too.
Michelle said…
Those photos are absolutely gorgeous!!
RobinfromCA said…
I always love the photos from your adventures, Elaine. These are just lovely!

Happy Pink Saturday!
Glennis said…
What beautiful skies! It's so hard to capture that elusive touch of pink, isn't it? Your photos are marvelous!

Happy PInk Saturday!
Jennifer said…
Thank you for sharing your bit of Pink! I love when the sky gets Pink before the sun is totally gone!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Terri said…
These remind me of some pink photos I took when I was visiting Sanabel Island in FL. everything we took come out with that pink hue... very cool.

Have a happy pink day!
Anonymous said…
What awe inspiring photos. I love looking at skylines and love the peace and stillness I feel when I see it, Very beautiful post!

Happy Pink Saturday,

I think pink skies are so pretty!
BailiwickStudio said…
There's something about the east coast that's so idyllic - we just don't have that here on the west coast. I think I'm secretly an east coast girl - even though I've only visited! ::Jill
gorgeous photos! Happy Pink Saturday

Nothing more beautiful than that hint of pink in the sky! Lovely pictures!

Happy Pink Saturday...


Sheila :-)
P.S. My cousin has a place in Edgartown, and I adore this area.
JudyBug said…
I have never seen this part of the country "in person". Your gorgeous pics only make me want to even more!

suesueb said…
such beautiful pictures-i've always wanted to visit the east coast and almost made it a couple of times. it's something to plan for in the future. thanks for sharing and hope your week is beautifully pink!
Deanna said…
Amazing photos! They almost have a painting like quality to them. Very soothing to look at!

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday!
Deanna :D
Shaam said…
Those pictures are so nice!

All the best,
Claudia said…
What a lovely idea to show the subtle pinks in the sky! Beautiful. Happy Pink Saturday!
Cafe Pasadena said…
XXcellent blog you have here!
It's true, however, you blog is in need of a cat-catcher. If you weren't so far, I'd volunteer my services.

I gotta ck out your site more often.
Cafe Pasadena said…
And, 1 other thing: your link to the Paris Apartment is incorrect. You have one 2 many "R's" in apartment. So, clicking on it won't take you there as it's typed now.

Just FYI.
Tristan Robin said…
wonderful photos - terrific post

hApPy (one day late!) PiNk SaTuRdAy!

... from another New Englander (New Haven, CT here)
Connie said…
I lived in Rhode Island for a few months at a very early age, but other than that I've never been to the NE, honey. Your photos are lovely in showing me what it looks like, chickee!! Thank you for visiting with me as I haven't had time to "get around" to all the women for Pink Saturday yet. Nice to meet you.
Loretta said…
Wow, I'd love to go there one day; it looks so very pretty! Happy PS!
vicki archer said…
What a beautiful tour - such wonderful photographs. Thank you for your visiting French Essence. xv

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