Forever Autumn
The Summer sun is fading as the year grows old,
and darker days are drawing near... I love that song Forever Autumn by Justin Hayward
of the Moody Bues. Every September, I pull out the Moody Blues Time Traveler CD and
I listen to that song every morning in my car. I probably stop listening to it around Thanksgiving.
The song is depressing but I still love it. And I do wish it could be Forever Autumn because
I am an Autumn Freak. I love the crispness in the air, the smell of wood stoves, the vibrant colors every where you look, the smells of apple, cinnamon, pumpkin! Did I tell you I make a mean apple crisp? Well it's one of my specialties.
I love sweater weather. I can cozy up in a nice soft sweater, or one of my big collar oversized sweaters that hide the fact that I've had ice cream on my apple crisp or too many
Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Lattes that week. Speaking of clothing, I have favortie suede jackets that are special in Fall too. My dark green suede blazer is my outdoor coat for most
of the Fall but by Thanksgiving in New England it's too cold for it. I also have a burgundy
topper jacket with contrasting embroidery that is an old friend.
And let's not forget Autumn is "Hot Drink Season". I once told my sister I love Fall because of hot drinks. She laughed hysterically. It's true. The aforementioned Pumpkin Spice Lattes,
cranberry autumn tea from Harney's, hot chocolate, orange cranberry tea, and let's not forget apple cider. It's especially nice when it's spiced or mulled. Just throw in cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, maybe some orange zest, into your cider then heat. You will have a fabulous spiced apple cider.
My last comment is about the decorations. Fall is a time to unleash your creativity. Go get those pumpkins, ghourds, acorns, colorful leaves and put them everywhere! Don't forget a nice wire ribbon in shades of burgundy or plum.
I'll leave you with a quote from George Eliot. "Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the Earth seeking the successive autumns".
I can't wait to visit your part of the country!
Real Fall weather!!!!
Give Molly and Oscar a treat from me:)